Author Archives: Cody Frueh

Understanding Spray Foam Roofing – Mandan, North Dakota

Although it seems complicated to improve a roof with ease, spray foam roofing has made this incredibly easy. It might seem too good to be true, but it does provide a huge difference. However, finding a reliable roofing service isn’t as straightforward. If you’re in Mandan, North Dakota, you’re lucky because Frueh Construction has got […]

Commercial Roofing – Mandan, North Dakota

Just like the rest of your building, your roof requires care to perform as it is meant to. This is why multiple roofing options are available for your commercial property. However, contacting a reliable company that offers commercial roofing services is crucial. If your building is in Mandan, North Dakota, your search ends here. Frueh […]

The Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation

Most home experts advise owners to use insulating solutions when temperatures become intolerably high. Spray foam insulation is one of the many practical and efficient methods used by this roofing service to insulate your roof and regulate your indoor temperature. Due to its many advantages, it has quickly become popular in the US. Frueh Construction […]

Are Post-frame Buildings Reliable?

Post-frame buildings have been around for decades. Most agricultural buildings are either post-frame or inspired by their structure. They were used back in the old days and are still in use for several good reasons. With recent innovations, post-frame buildings are still prevalent in the agricultural building industry. One of North Dakota’s most well-known construction […]

Affordable Pole Barns With Frueh Construction

Agricultural properties have evolved over the years in terms of usability and affordability. Pole barns are one of the many agricultural building types that have become popular in the US. Regardless of the benefits of owning a pole barn, it is essential to consider the source which you get your pole barn service from. Frueh […]

Hydraulic door – Bismarck, ND

Hydraulic doors have become popular in use and reviewed over the years. The US market has seen a wide new variety of doors. However, hydraulic doors are still one of the most commonly used. Not all firms and companies make the best hydraulic doors or offer services related to them, which is not a good […]

Spray Foam Roofing – Mandan, North Dakota

Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing (or commonly known as SPF roofing) is a great solution to solve the challenges your commercial facility might face.  It is an eco-friendly solution that is sprayed on as a liquid, then expands into a foam.  This creates a seamless layer atop your existing commercial roof.  These systems are sought after […]

Post Frame Building – Bismarck, ND

Post-frame buildings have strong columns and a solid foundation to withstand hail, snow, and storms. To move weight and mass throughout the structure, posts are used. Post-frame constructions have stronger hinge joints and are more wind-resistant than standard stick-framed ones. Post-frame garages and agricultural structures are safe places for vehicles, farm animals, harvested harvests, and […]

Pole Barn – Bismarck, ND

A type of building called a pole barn is often used for storage or as a workshop. Metal panels are frequently used in construction since they are incredibly strong and endure strong winds and downpours. Additional add-ons, like windows, doors, ventilation systems, and insulation, can be added to customize pole barns. It is crucial to […]

Hydraulic Door Benefits – Minot, ND

The selection of doors during the planning stage of a construction project is often the most overlooked aspect. However, doors are crucial, whether it’s a home area, a commercial facility, or an agricultural construction since they offer the entire space a great finish and an appealing appearance. Residents of Minot, North Dakota, have a traditional […]