Cattle Shed

Cattle Shed1

If you have ever been in a situation where you worked around or with large animals such as cows, you have most certainly been in cattle shed. Though shed can provoke a small feeble building. The truth is cattle shed can be any size you need it to be and is built structurally sound. If you have property in Tappen, ND, Frueh Construction can construct the cattle shed that you need to make your day easier. Call us at (701) 693-5765.

The Construction

The construction of cattle sheds starts with the plans. These are also known as blueprints, once they are created, we must turn them into planning and zoning. They are the ones that give us the permits needed to do the building, without it we will not move forward. Once we do get the proper permits, we can then start breaking ground on the project. This is where we get to your property and start digging. The foundation must be placed a certain amount of feet into the earth to ensure it holds properly. From there the skeleton of your building is erected. Once the structure is up, we then fit all plumbing and electrical stuff that goes into your cattle shed. Next comes the roof, which is typically done close to if not the same day. Then if you want the heating/cooling comes in. After that, is the interior stuff like insulation, dry wall, and the ceiling. Next, is fixtures and finishing touches.


Cattle Shed

Cattle sheds have been around for centuries. This is due to the knowledge that healthy animals need shelter. However, it is no longer a dilapidated structure that is used for this. We take your vison and turn it into a real place that can be used for animals, however, it can be used for other things as well. Though it is primarily geared towards housing large animals it can also be used to house large equipment, storing goods, or as a place to do one’s craft. The only limitation this structure has is the owner’s imagination. If you have kids, it could be used as a hang out place for them.

Contact Us Today

For an additional building on your property, consider a cattle shed. They are sturdy and made to your specifications. If your property is in or near Tappen, ND, then Frueh Construction should be the crew you call. Contact us today by dialing (701) 693-5765.