Commercial Roofing in Tappen, ND


There are different roofing companies that are available to the fine folks in Tappen, ND. However, among those there are fewer commercial roofing companies. If you are looking for a company that manages commercial roofing in your area, then Frueh Construction is the company you want to call. Our office number is (701) 693-5765.

About The Services

For commercial roofing, the services sound the same as they would for residential roofing. However, the application of these services is slightly different. As a result, they are functionally not the same. A repair for a residential building is done on a much smaller scale than that of a repair for a commercial roof. Same is said for restorations as well as for replacements. Each is equally important for the health of the roof and the safety of those inside. Commercial buildings are typically much larger than residential buildings and this difference affects the size of the materials as well as which materials can be used. The support structure for a commercial roof needs to be much thicker than that of a residential building. This is due to the weight; a commercial roof is much heavier than that of a residential roof. Utilizing the incorrect materials will cause the roof to collapse.



Training for commercial roofing is similar to training for any other construction type, it is never ending. As far as one is concerned if you stop learning then you are no longer keeping up with the trends of roofing and therefore are no longer able to effectively manage roofing systems. There are always new materials or new tools coming out, thus the need to continue learning about them. It also lends to cross specialty training. Some roofing systems are common, and others are uncommon. The uncommon ones are specialty areas in the field, the desire to constantly learn will lead a roofer to learn new skills to better adapt to the ever changing and growing market.

Call Us Today

Commercial roofing requires commercial roofers to properly maintain the roof. If you own a commercial building in Tappen, ND, then our experts at Frueh Construction would be the appropriate folks to call. Our services include but are not limited to repairs, restoration, replacement, and cleaning. Call us today by dialing (701) 693-5765, we will make an appointment to inspect your roof, this will lead to which service is the most appropriate for the needs of your roof.