The application of foam directly to a roof’s underlayment is a common practice. Spray foam’s durability and heat barrier capabilities have been well-known for many years. You won’t have to worry about condensation because of its ability to seal roofs. Spray foam can keep moisture out of your building. If you are based in Bottineau, ND, and need more information, then look no further than Frueh Construction. Get in touch with us at 701-693-5765.

Unlike other types of insulation, spray foam is considered to be superior. Spray foam can expand and fill your roof’s difficult-to-reach fissures. In addition, because it is polymer, the material is efficient at preventing the infiltration of moisture from the outside. With spray foam insulation, you may maximize your roof’s hollow spaces while improving the building’s HVAC equipment and airtight usage, all for a cost-effective solution. You can save an average of 48% on your utility expenses. Spray foam is a cutting-edge air sealer and energy saver that can help you achieve this goal.
The structural integrity of any property, especially when it stands up to storms, earthquakes, and more, is the most important feature of any construction. Spray foam insulation is a game-changer in the field of roof insulation since it improves the structural integrity of a building. It expands to fill in all the nooks and crannies of your roof’s floors and walls, thanks to its elastic properties. Through this, you may protect your roof from the wrath of Mother Nature by strengthening its walls, floors, and ceilings. If you are based in Bottineau, ND, and need more information, then look no further than Frueh Construction. Get in touch with us at 701-693-5765.